Swar | Rishabh Varjya in Aaroh, Both Madhyams. Rest all Shuddha Swaras. |
Jati | Shadhav - Sampurna Vakra |
Thaat | Kalyan |
Vadi - Samvadi | Shadj - Pancham |
Time | 2nd Prahar of the Night (9PM to 12AM) |
Vishranti Sthan | S; G; m; P; - P; m; G; S; |
Mukhya Ang | S G m D P R S ; G m P D N ; (D)P ; P D (P) m m P ; G m D P R S ; |
Aaroh - Avroh | S G m D P R S ; G m P N S'; - S D N P ; D M P G ; G m D P R S ; |
Raag Nand is also known as Raag Anandi, Anandi Kalyan or Nand Kalyan. This melody impresses instantly and without any difficulty creates its own unique mood.
This Raag resembles Raag Bihag, Raag Gaud Sarang, Raag Hameer and Raag Kamod. To avoid this resemblance, one should use these Raag Vachak notes: S G m D P R S.
After singing S G m P N S’ ; S’ N D P (resembing Raag Bihag), one should add these notes: G m P D N P ; D M P ; G m D P R S to clarify Raag Nand. In Avroh S’ D N P ; D m P G, these notes makes Raag Gaud-Sarang appear, so one should add following notes to make Raag Nand clear: G m D P R S G m.
Similarly to avoid the glimpse of Raag Hameer (G m D P) and Raag Kamod (M P D M P G ; G M P G M) one should add R S G m D P R S to make Raag Nand clear. The nature of this Raag is soothing and full of Karun Ras. This Raag can be expanded in Madhya and Tar Saptaks. The illustrative combinations of this melody are as follows:
S ; S G m D P R S ; G m P D N ; (D)P ; P D (P) m m P ; G m D P R S ; G m P N S ; P N R’ N D P ; P D M P ; G m (D)P R S ; G m P D N P ; P D P M D P G m D P R S;
Raag Nand Bandishen
All the following bandishen are written and composed by Acharya Vishwanath Rao Ringe ‘Tanarang’ and are published in his new book “Acharya Tanarang Ki Bandishen Vol 3”. This book contains the notation and audio of 440 Bandishen from 28 Raags. All these bandishen are sung by Shri Prakash Vishwanath Ringe. For more information and to buy this book, please contact us.
1 | Bada Khyal - Birchan Ki Chaiyyan Me Benu Taal - Ektal Vilambit Theme - Shri Krishna - Murlidhar | |
2 | Bada Khyal - Gobind Benu Bajave Taal - Ektal Vilambit Theme - Shri Krishna - Murlidhar | |
3 | Madhya Lay Khyal - Umang Man Me Jaagi Re Taal - Roopak Madhya Lay Theme - Shringar Ras | |
4 | Chota Khyal - Hari Hari Dariyan Phool Taal - Trital Drut Theme - Spring Season | |
5 | Chota Khyal - Jiyra Lubhae e Albeli Taal - Trital Drut Theme - Shringar Ras | |
6 | Chota Khyal - Madhur Murali Madhuban Me Baaji Taal - Trital Drut Theme - Shri Krishna - Murlidhar | |
7 | Chota Khyal - Jiyra Mora Laago Taal - Ektal Drut Theme - Virah Ras | |
8 | Sargam - Ni Pa Ga Ma Dha Pa Re Sa Taal - Ektal Drut |